Our shared love for handbags! The handbag is essential for every woman, sometimes it is a statement and sometimes mostly functional. We have elegant handbags for a party and bags for daily use.
Read moreLeather handbag with a magnetic closure and an adjustable long strap. Inside the bag there is a pocket with zip closure.
Leather handbag with a magnetic closure and an adjustable long strap. Inside the bag there is a pocket with zip closure.
Leather handbag with a long strap that is detachable and adjustable. The bag has a pocket inside to store small things.
Leather handbag with a long strap that is detachable and adjustable. The bag has a pocket inside to store small things.
Leather handbag with a long strap that is detachable and adjustable. The bag has a pocket inside to store small things.
Leather handbag with bamboo handle. Inside and outside the bag there is a pocket with zip closure. The bag comes with a long adjustable strap.
Leather handbag with a long strap that is detachable and adjustable. The bag has a pocket inside to store small things.
Leather handbag with a long strap that is detachable and adjustable. The bag has a pocket inside to store small things.
Leather handbag with a magnetic closure and an adjustable long strap. Inside the bag there is a pocket with zip closure.
Leather handbag with bamboo handle. Inside and outside the bag there is a pocket with zip closure. The bag comes with a long adjustable strap.
The handbag for every occasion
A handbag for truly any occasion, the contemporary woman has a bag for their various outfits. We have a wide selection of bags, small handbags for ladies and shoppers. Made of smooth leather, suede, classic grain or a combination. A black handbag that fits with almost any clothing item is indispensable, but sometimes you want to stand. If so, go for an handbag in croco-print and made in snake-print. In addition to material and prints, we also have various handles, for example, executed in different colors, such as gold, silver or bronze.